Last updated on June 3rd, 2022 at 10:18 pm

Colleagues are some of the most important people in our lives as we would be spending a lot of time with them both during work and breaks. To be able to work with someone professionally, you should also be able to maintain a good personal relationship. This often happens naturally as people tend to build relationships as they get to know each other more, even if it’s just through working together. This would eventually turn into friendship and you might find some amazing friends in your colleagues.
However, that still doesn’t take away from the fact that they are your coworkers first and if you want to give them a gift on some special occasion, you need to give something that represents both the relationships you share equally. So, as someone who works alongside them and knowing the various troubles and nuances, they go through every day in the job, it’s almost your responsibility to choose a gift that not only adds meaning to their life in a metaphorical way but also in a practical way. Here are some gifts for work colleagues that convey your admiration for them while also making their lives easier.
Recommended gifts for work colleagues
1. Wooden Elephant phone and pen holder

If you work long enough, you will know for a fact that keeping your desk always organized is just impossible. You get busy with something and the clutter starts piling up as you keep discarding things. While you can’t do much about the whole clutter, you can help your colleague make sure that his hard to find essentials like his phone and pens are always accessible with this elegant little stand.
It is completely wooden and is themed after an elephant which makes it amazing to look at and also allowing it to be used on its own as a decorative item even when it’s not being used. It has a very ergonomic curve that perfectly holds in a smartphone in a slanted front facing angle so that they can quickly glance at the screen if necessary, without having to pick it up and place it back every single time.
2. Under Desk Foot Hammock

Employees are often required to sit at their desk and work for long hours. Sure, they could have breaks in between but that doesn’t make the extra-long sitting session any less uncomfortable for their legs. This foot hammock can be attached under almost any table with its rubber clamps and it allows them to comfortably place their legs on it for as long as they wish.
It’s incredibly comfortable and can even be adjusted in terms of both height and placement to suit the user’s specific comfort. This hammock is easily foldable and compact enough to be carried anywhere with them. It also comes with a headphone holder which is a nice bonus for those who are music lovers.
3. Professional Business Card Holder

It’s very likely that if they’re far enough in their career, your co-worker has their own set of business cards. What’s even more likely is that they probably carry them around in their wallet which usually results in messing them up really fast. Obviously, that is not the kind of start they would want to have with anyone they intend to work with in the future. This business card holder solves that problem completely while looking extremely professional and premium.
It is very compact, easily fits in a pocket and being constructed of stainless steel, it is very sturdy and durable. Despite its extremely compact size, it can hold up to 20 cards depending on the thickness and their make. And the amazing look is guaranteed to make a great impression on their potential clients.
4. Personalized Mouse Pad

In today’s world, a lot of office work is done on a computer. Even if your colleague doesn’t have to use it as much, there’s no denying that a computer is a big part of making their daily tasks easier. So, make use of that fact and give them something that reminds them about your appreciation for their company.
This mouse pad comes with an option to customize it by printing any text or picture of your choice over its surface. You can use a theme based on what your co-worker is interested in or simply make it with a message or saying that you’d like them to know. It’s a unique gift idea for work colleagues.
5. Neck and Back Massager

Office work comes with a lot of stress, both physical and mental. This neck and back massager provide comfort for most physical discomfort and perhaps even help with the mental part. It has rotating nodes that are capable of affecting various parts of the body like the neck, shoulders, back and even the feet.
It’s relatively portable, easy and comfortable to use and provides very fast relief to most pains and discomforts. It’s a very thoughtful gift for office colleagues and they will be constantly thanking you every time they get to feel the comfort this machine provides after a stressful day of work.
6. Instructional Yoga Mat

Yoga is one of if not the most popular methods of relieving stress and keeping your body in a healthy shape. It has grown in popularity over the past few years and more people are adopting the practice as they see the results of others. If you’re colleague is already a yoga practitioner, this would be a very nice gift, if they just beginning or considering it, then this would make for an even better gift.
Unlike traditional yoga mats, this one has a lot of poses printed right on the mat so that they don’t have to go elsewhere for a consult and be content that as long as they have this mat, they will be good to go for their regular yoga session. It will help a lot with the stress, both mental and physical and is overall a great gift idea for work colleagues.
7. LED Artificial Orchid Arrangement

Flowers are a great natural decorative item that are used in almost every setting and go perfectly well with almost all themes. This is because flowers bring a taste of nature into the artificial world of technology created by humans, it’s like having the best of both worlds and compromising on none. While a proper flower set might make for a decent gift, they also come with some additional duty of having to maintain them, which most office workers wouldn’t want to be bothered with.
So, these artificial orchids would make for a near perfect replacement in that category, perhaps make it even better. Their design makes them look very close to real orchids to a point where it’s almost impossible to tell the difference without close inspection. They also contain LEDs inside meaning you can make the flowers glow which would make for an excellent lamp during nights.
8. Fidget desk toy

Office hours could sometimes cause some serious anxiety and stress. They might not only prevent you from doing your work but might negatively impact your mental health in a permanent way if it’s a frequent occurrence. Which is why it’s important to just let your mind and body relax for a while, even just a few minutes in the middle.
This fidget toy will be a great way to let your colleague take their mind off whatever is stressing them and play around for a while so they can first relax before going back to work. The toy itself is basically a cluster of magnetic and metal balls that can be attached together into different shapes. With over 200 balls at their disposal, this toy could be made into any shape they can imagine as soon as they get bored of the old one.
9. Mini Golf Set

Golf is the most popular western sport at least among the working class as people tend to find it a very popular pass time and entertainment choice. This mini golf set presents a miniature version of the popular sport in a very compact space.
This set comes with a flag, balls a putter and even a small board that acts as the field. While not anywhere close to the real golf in terms of mechanics or gameplay, it is still a fun way to pass time and would make for an excellent present for work colleagues which will let them get a glimpse of their sweet retirement days.
10. Mug Warmer

This could be a life saver to many as work tends to drown people completely to a point where they completely forget about the drink they just got and by the time they realize it would probably have cooled down and loses all the taste. This could all be prevented by having this mug warmer lie on their table which is capable of maintaining the drink at a high temperature.
It takes very low power to operate so it’s completely harmless and it can quickly bring up the temperature and maintain it at a stable level. This mug warmer would make for a lovely gift for colleagues that will serve them well in their office space and home for a very long time.
11. LEVOIT Air Purifier

Usually it’s easier to maintain the cleanliness in your home. Not only do you get to control who visits for the most part but you can also clean it anytime you feel like. However, when it comes to the office you can’t do either of those as people are going to visit you based on work and they might bring some unwanted dust or odor.
This air purifier helps a lot with such issues as it is capable of filtering out unwanted particles, dust or even bad odors. It makes the personal space in the office a lot more bearable for them and it’s hard to find a better gift idea for work colleagues.
12. YETI Insulated Vaccuum Tumbler

You might often find yourself constantly walking between meetings and stations to get some work done once you’re in the office. This happens frequently to almost every office worker. While It is in fact their job to do all of that when necessary, it’s a little unfair that this might prevent them from drinking their much-needed hot coffee before it cools down.
This insulated tumbler avoids that problem pretty well by providing a very strong insulation effect that would prevent heat loss for a very long time keeping the liquid inside nice and warm. They could just walk around with this wherever they go and not have to worry about their drink getting cold as it would take a very long time for that to happen.
13. USB Table Fan

This cute little fan would pass as an adorable gift for any of your colleagues. It’s extremely compact, measuring at nearly half the size of most table fans and does the job it’s supposed to just as good. It also only needs a single USB port to run, which makes it not only energy efficient but also very convenient as it can be used almost anywhere through a USB port.
The fan is very silent without actually compromising on the speed of the wing’s rotation or the air flow around them. This means it fits well in an office where you’re not only required to be silent but might also prefer a quiet environment yourself. It’s a great tool to have especially in hot climates.
14. Mini Portable Projector

Having to do some emergency presentations is nothing new for a lot of office workers and after a while it could just get tiring as preparing for the presentation could sometimes be harder than preparing the presentation itself.
This mini projector will serve as a great replacement to a full-sized projector when it comes to doing presentations. It is extremely compact and can even fit into a pocket. It’s also easy to operate, has its own battery backup and connects to most devices including laptops and smartphones for quick and easy setup.
15. Donkey notepad dispenser

There are very few things that can make someone turn their head away from a stressful situation and give a small chuckle. This Donkey themed notepad dispenser certainly can do that with it’s cute and ergonomic design.
It also serves a practical purpose by being able to hold quite a few notes that can be picked anytime they have to write down something quickly and then a note can be stuck to the donkey’s moth as a reminder for later. It’s a very good design that goes well with any desk and works great on its own as a decorative piece as well.
16. LED Desk Lamp

While you’re usually allowed to work as long as you want in the office without having to worry about bothering anyone else, the same can’t be said about your home. Turning on the lights to work late at night could affect everyone else’s sleep and that is not a great habit to get used to by any means.
This LED desk lamp let’s your colleague work on that immediate deadline through the night without having to worry about disturbing anyone else as it produces a limited flicker free light that doesn’t travel too far and is also easier on the user’s eyes. It’s a great gift for work colleagues.
17. TimeCube Timer

Sometimes the simplicity of the solutions depends on the comfort and ease of execution rather than the efficiency. This is one such case where you could always use your smartphone or computer to start a timer but having a dedicated easy to use button will make the task just a lot easier and even exciting.
This time cube timer has 4 relatively common timer options that you can choose from simply by turning the cube such that the option you want is facing upwards. The timer then starts and once the specified time is up, it will give you a beep, who intensity can be manually adjusted. There are no extra buttons or settings that you have to bother with and every time you want to set up a quick timer, you just have to turn it to the appropriate side. It comes in extremely handy and makes life just that extra bit easier.
18. Reusable Smart Notebook

Ever since school days, we all know how useful notebooks really are. But the one problem with them has always been the need to replace them very frequently and then keep track of every book. When you’re working this is not just hard to keep track of but might not even be possible. This smart notebook however, completely eliminates that need.
It can be used just like any ordinary book with ordinary pen, but what makes this special is that everything written in the book can be uploaded and saved online. Once you’ve saved them, you can simply erase the pages clean and reuse them like this as many times as you’d like. It’s great for efficiently taking notes in meetings as it removes the need to type and still have solid digital copies of everything they need.
19. Desktop punching Ball

This is perhaps the best stress busting tool you can find for an office setting. It can sit perfectly well on a desk and they can just punch the ball around whenever they feel like letting go. It would be a great relief to let go of all the physical and emotional stress in a quick few minutes boxing session.
It’s definitely not something normal to have on your office desk but it does help a great deal in letting them vent out all that frustration they have accumulated over the course of the day. It’s a fun gift that will almost never fail to bring them back to their normal self and you will be the one to thank for that every time.
20. Sheepi Magnetic Paper Clip Holder

Paper clips are definitely up there among one of the best inventions when it comes to tools that improve the quality of life. However, it’s never easy to get them out of their holders as they are small and slippery.
This sheep themed holder is magnetic and holds as many paper clips as they’d like while making it extremely easy to retrieve them whenever they please. In addition, this also looks amazing with its premium build quality and makes for a great show piece on the desk.
21. Foldable Bluetooth keyboard

There are plenty of reasons to carry your own spare keyboard wherever you go. Sometimes it’s for security reasons that you’d want to use your own keyboard to avoid any keyloggers, but most of the time it’s just the convenience of having a wireless keyboard that lets you operate the computer from whichever comfortable position you choose.
Whichever the reason, this Bluetooth does a great job of being a wireless keyboard while also being extra portable with its ability to fold in half. Due to its already thin size and length, the keyboard will comfortably fit into a pocket if necessary. A great gift for any office worker.
22. Portable Espresso Coffee Maker

This is almost a blessing in disguise as a lot of times, especially when working late, it could be hard to find that much needed coffee to keep you going. This Espresso machine is very compact, can be carried in any decently sized backpack and prepares great coffee in minutes as long as you have all the ingredients of course.
This is a great gift idea for a colleague as it would let them make coffee anytime and anywhere. It doesn’t require a special stand and fits perfectly fine on any desk. It’s easy to use and makes hot coffee with just the press of a button.
As a colleague, your relationship with the people you work with is not always simple. But showing some kind gestures whenever you get the chance certainly is simple and will go a long way towards forming a great bond with your colleagues. The above list consists of gifts for work colleagues that are suitable for almost any occasion and would be a great show of appreciation for their work from your side.