Last updated on June 4th, 2022 at 12:43 am
Today I am very excited to share some awesome birthday party ideas for teens. I always love to share something about teens because they are probably in an age bar where everything is just awesome, fun, exciting and interesting. So it is the same for me to write about them.
Anyways before heading over to the list, I want to tell you why I am so excited about it. Actually yesterday I was recollecting my teenage days memories and specifically my birthday parties which my parents use to arrange for me.
I thought to share some of the pictures with you, but to be frank I am looking horrible, LOL. Then I thought sharing only the list of some teen birthday party ideas would be a nice option.
If you are planning a surprise birthday party for your teenage son, daughter, someone who is a teen, then you must first understand what a teen is all about. It so important to understand what they like, to plan an awesome party for them.
Teens are young, dreamy, exciting and fun so they would love to have a party which serves their psychology. I think you will agree with me about this. So to plan a perfect party you must first take a while to think what do they love to see most in the party.
Although I am here to tell you a lot of ideas, but I would still like to encourage you to give it a time to think about it.
10 Teenage birthday party ideas
So here we go, now I am going to share every possible idea I found to be the best. Here I am going to share only some ideas that I think you must try. Have a look, I am sure you will love this list.
1. I am a celebrity, But who am i?

For this game, you need equal no. of paper chits to the no. of guests who are playing. For each chit, write down a celebrity name. Now to start the game stick each chit on each guest’s who are playing.
After everyone is done, now the game begins. Everyone can see others chit but not their own. So here the fun is to help each one to know which celebrity they are. It is to be done by acting and portraying the celebrity style, acting or some movie scene. In this way everyone can know who they are.
To make it fun you can bring it to the next level to have more fun. You can arrange for the costume of all the celebrities you have written.
So after when the game is done there will be a surprise for them and the surprise is to let each one wear the costume of the celebrity they are. They have to be in the dress for the whole party. I am sure they will also love to be get clicked also on those costumes.
2. Bonfire and music
Who don’t want to enjoy a bonfire and music. When we are talking about teenage, it is most likely that they will love to have some bonfire fun. So arrange for a bonfire with DJ who would be playing the music of all the guest’s choice. Let them sing, dance and enjoy the party. Also see, Donna Pilato’s ways to plan a Bonfire birthday party for teens.
3. Pool Party Fun
This is pretty fun to arrange a pool party for the teens. They would love to live like a king in the pool party. Let them have the most fun with some music, food and drinks. If you have a pool, then bring it on. If you don’t have, then you can book a villa with a pool and make the best party for them.
I still remember my friends birthday pool party when I was a teen. It was so much fun that I cant express. We had a lot of fun with friends and in one word I can say is that it was just Awesome.
4. Day Road Tripping fun
Youngies always love to explore new things, places and moreover where the fun element is attached. So I think a road trip is one of the best exciting party ideas for teens.
Plan a road trip for various destinations. Book a mini bus, kind of Vegas colorful busses. There will be too much fun in the journey and as well as they will get to explore new places all in a day.
5. Outdoor mini theatre in nature
You might be thinking, what it is? You might have watched movies in theatres but have you seen on the projector screen at your home and what about outside your home?.
Now what about organizing a movie in a big screen with a projector near river side, beach, valleys, mountains, etc.. I am sure you must have got what I am trying to say.
Plan and organize their favorite movie on big screen projector near any of those places around you. If you can’t manage to go for it, then book a lawn where you can get it done. Believe me it is so exciting, the teens will enjoy this awesome experience.
6. Sleepover after party
If you are looking for a house party for teens, then why not a sleepover following the fun. You can surprise the guest teens by allowing them to stay for the sleepover. You can take permission of their parents and let it be surprise.
I still remember that I use to love sleepover with my friends. At that age it is so much fun to have chat with friends, play games, listen to music. Teenagers just love to enjoy sleepovers so don’t miss on this.
7. Treasure Hunt
Why not to add this awesome game in the party to make it more exciting. I know you must be aware of what it is, but if you are not in case clear, then I would like to explain.
It is an interesting game which needs to be played in an open area or a big place. The game can be played in many ways, one I would like to tell you.
Divide the guest into two groups competing against each other. Now every team will get some clue hidden at a different place they are to be searched one by one to reach the destination where the treasure is hidden.
It is so much excitement to find clues one after the other. This is mostly liked game by the kids and teenagers. So I think this would be the good option. You can also go for the scavenger hunt, read how christy is explaining the game.
8. Vs Xbox Games
The video game is a bingo option for a teenage fun. I think it could be listed for the party planning.
The idea is to rent an XBOX or PlayStation for a day, if you don’t have at home. Ask the guest which games they would like to play, by calling up each guest on phone.
These games should be in a way that they can fight or compete with each other, i.e- football, racing, fighting games,etc.. Arrange the game for the teen party and let them enjoy.
9. Beach party theme
If you are a teen yourself and looking after ideas for birthday parties in summer or may be searching for someone else also, then here is a good idea. Why not to give a nice suitable theme to the party which is “beach theme”.
You can arrange it in a pool side with a set like a beach. If you can get permission from the beach authorities for the party then that could be great.
10. A small cook-off competition

Food has always been the favorite of all ages be it a child or an old person, the taste buds are always in an active mode. So when you are planning for your teenage child’s birthday party or even giving and sharing ideas with them, involve food in it.
No not only arranging food for the party but in a way it should be a fun game. So the best way would be to arrange for a small cook-off competition where the children would not only be involved in cooking their own food for the party but would also win few exciting prizes on the best dish prepared.
But do keep a plan B and arrange the party food as if not much fun is availed from the game then the children would not have enough food to enjoy.
Without doubt although these types of plans may seem a bit risky yet they are fun for today’s generation who love to take challenges. And surely the cooks off challenge would turn out to be a 100% hit with the teenage group.
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11. Karaoke with music and dance
Music and dance is known to be a deadly combination and what if the party has singers who sing their own version of songs in their own voice.
Karaoke is the new age musical competitions which the youth of today really love to do. Singing a song in your own voice, without getting bothered of the rune or how people may react.
So while planning for a teenage birthday party this musical treat would be a delight for the age. With the karaoke a dance-off with music would be like the cherry on the cake.
Well with the advent of the TV shows now a days like the American Idol and other competitions, the birthday party theme can be a karaoke face off, mainly it would be taking the center of the stage with all the spotlight on the singer, and then also announcing prizes for the best performer.
With the karaoke dance on the same music of the chosen song would be really delightful, making the whole evening for the birthday child special and happening for them and their friends who are invited.
12. Visiting an old age home and sharing some joy

It is believed that teenage is the most sensitive age for any person. Learning good values and spreading humanity would be a nice way to plan for a teenage birthday theme.
Now a days there are many old age homes where the old generation although stay together feel the vacuum in their life, so this birthday it would be nice to add some value in your teenage child’s life by planning a birthday with an outing or a visit to an old age home and spending some smiles with the older generation.
Best would be to plan a birthday party with the youthful aging people in an old age near your home, and that also with the whole group of children, means the birthday bit or girl and their friends.
You could even plan out for good food, some games with the resident’s there and even ask your child to share some stories or hear some good stories from the elder generation. Children are generally close to their grandparents, and their demise sometimes makes the children sad.
So in a way both your child and their friends would be happy around them and these old people would love to have a youthful company I their quiet and lonely loves. So this birthday help your child to connect to these elder people and add some values to their lives spending some precious moments of their teenage.
13. Picnic in the midst of nature with farm fresh food

Well to be frank picnics are the best way to celebrate a special day like your child’s teenage birthday. What can be better than arranging a picnic party in the midst of nature away from the city hustle and bustle and then the most fascinating part would be to cook fresh farm food, from some nearby farm.
This way the children would learn about countryside life and have some fun time in solace. Not only the children but the mothers can join the picnic too, so mire the people the merrier the fun, you can look out for a picnic spot in the countryside with a pond or a stream nearby, and a farm which would provide the poultry food and fresh veggies.
So that you have to carry less food materials for your picnic. Just imagine the teenage group cooking and washing with collection farm products and you mothers are supervising, or rather helping them with the chores.
The surrounding of the nature and the farm fresh food products, and then cooking together, it would be the best birthday celebrated by your teenage child.
And also they would learn to work as a team realizing their responsibilities. You can make groups, like one group arranging the place, one group collecting the farm products or plucking the fruits and vegetables, one group would wash and clean and the other one would cut and cook. So it would be an activity plus a fun time with a blend of yummy food.
14. The pizza party

Nowadays most of the parents are working, and when there is a birthday party to be planed for a teenage it becomes a real tension for the working parents. So best would be to give them the money and booking a pizzeria for their lunch or dinner.
The pizza party is always the hit with teenage children, be it a boy gang or the gal group, pizza is everyone’s hot favorite. So some good drinks, tasty different types of pizzas and also choosing some good deals would be an added bonus.
As many pizza parlors have good deals on weekdays, so grabbing them would not only be pocket saving but the variety would also be good.
So convince your teenage child for the pizza party, and it is for sure that they would not be able to resist it. No arrangements in the home, and no tensions of cleaning, just to give them the money and advance booking in a good and nearby pizza place.
15. A bohemian styled dinner party in the open

How about arranging the teen birthday party with some hanging lights in the back courtyard and give the bohemian feel. It would surely be a hot for the teenage crowd.
The dinner can be arranged according to the taste buds of the kids with a little bohemian touch. The sitting arrangements on the grass with some cushions around and a low table to sit with.
Do keep it mind that it should a long wooden table to have the whole group together. This is an age-old way of enjoying in the teens and this would be an ethnic touch to the modern world, and having food in the open air is always a fun for any age.
The lights should be soft in tone so that their eyes should not be dazzled much. It is believed that the bohemians preferred soft lights while having food, also special touch would be some good soft music to play while these teens can enjoy their dinner with laughter and un chit chats.
16. The fear factor challenge

The most attractive thing for a teenage child is to challenge themselves on being a daredevil and showing off their courage to the world. So this birthday why not give your teenage kid that platform, not only for themselves but also for their friends.
Plan for a fear factor challenge where there would be few like three to four challenges which would be quite tough but not difficult.
The games should more be planned to show their potentials and the limits. But the protection factor should be maintained, do not plan for any game which would be dangerous for the kids, as already teenagers love taking challenges and want to always prove their worth.
So planning for some god games which would be chilling yet not much dangerous would be your part of creativity. It would be full of fun, so that the teenage group can later laugh on the challenges they got. So it should be a blend of fear with fun, seems difficult but would be easy. And do plan for prizes too, as that would be an added surprise for the kids.
17. Being the pretty little liars

Well this party theme would be going well for the teenage gal gang, but boys can also try. It does not need much arrangement, only some gifts or prizes needed to be packed. It is very simple and all the teenage children play this in their free time.
just need the group to form a circle, share two secrets, one would be a lie and one a truth, the others have to guess which is a lie and which is the truth, and if the person in the group guesses the maximum secrets gets a prize.
It really becomes fun to know the secrets of friends and also the guessing would make these teenagers mind sharper. So this is a small yet fun way to celebrate a teenage birthday, and also food should be a must.
No much arrangement other than the gifts is needed for this. Surely the teenage child would have many ideas for this fun yet secretive game.
18. A blasting slumber party with the gal gang

Are you a gal teenager and not getting, much ideas for your teenage birthday this year. So here’s a tip, go for a blasting slumber party with your favorite gal gang.
Maybe you all have not met for a long time, as busy with your studies and activities. So this way you all friends would be able to meet and have some good me time, without your parent’s interference.
You can plan out many activities for the night with your girls together, like going for a fashion blast with two teams, one the designers and one the models and create your own ramps, then you can also plan out for a blind game, where two people would make a team, and one would be the voice and one the person blind, so with the help of their companion’s voice they would break through all the obstacles and reach the winning end.
There can be many things which can be planned for your teenage slumber gal party, and do not forget to add up some good tasty food.
Here your mom can help you in preparing some yummylicious food for your friends. So just convince your mother for this year’s slumber party at your home, or any of your friends home, with a big room and space.
19. The all-night pancake and pajama party

Well you girls in your teens how about celebrating this year’s birthday with an all-night food and chat. Sounds good one right, so here’s the plan, call your gals and plan for a weekend if your birthday is in between a week, just lots of chit chats and making some good tasty pancakes, with cream and chocolate sauce topping, wearing your favorite pajamas, and talking the whole night.
There are so much we girls need to share with our gang, and so less time. so this way you would get plenty of time with your gang.
So why to wait if your birthday is around, just make some calls to your teenage gal gang and set a date, also talk to your mom, I am sure she would not mind, as she herself was a teen girl once and knows the fun of such night parties.
So have a blast with the gang the whole night adding the pancakes and also cleaning the kitchen after the cooking session. This would make your mom really happy and maybe you would get permission for your next year’s party too. This will be the best teenage girl birthday party idea.
So what are your thoughts now, what do you think are these really awesome birthday party ideas for teenagers?