Last updated on June 2nd, 2022 at 10:33 pm
A very popular time for any couple to spend some time together is during one of their birthdays. So, if you’re wondering what to do for boyfriends birthday, here are some deep, fun and unique birthday ideas for boyfriend that would make the experience so much more exceptional.
Relationships are a beautiful concept that helps people through a lot of things in their life simply by virtue of not having to face them alone. Having a boyfriend to share your troubles and happiness alike is truly a blessing and one you should not take for granted.
However, as are many things with today’s modern society, our life could be quite hectic and, in the rush, it could be hard to spend as much time with our partner as we really should be. So, this makes it even more important to make good use of the limited time we do spend together and make it something worth remembering.

Best Birthday Ideas For Boyfriend
1. A Video Message

We all want to see the look of surprise and pure bliss on the face of our loved ones when they witness something truly memorable. This would give you an amazing way of creating that experience by recording a video message from all of their friends and showing them on their birthday.
The pure excitement and joy on their face are certain to make your day and of course theirs. There is no better way to capture their emotions so beautifully in such perfect moments.
2. Surprise Delivery
This is a rather interesting way of making your boyfriends birthday just that much better. Plan a delivery at a certain time of the day, no matter where they are, whether it’s school, home or work and make sure they will not be expecting it.
This is guaranteed to put the biggest smile on their face as they are going through what would essentially be a pretty boring and bland birthday and are suddenly hit with this amazing gift from someone who loves them. It’s hard to beat a surprise like this.
3. Be his personal chef for the day
How do you make a birthday something truly worth remembering? Throw a huge party that everyone will be talking about for the next few days? Sure. Get an expensive gift that they have been wanting for a long time? Would definitely be nice! However, there is also a much simpler alternative.
Just stay home together and be his personal chef for that day. Make whatever dish he likes to the best of your ability and even if it might not taste the best, the love you put into it would more than make up for it. It’s a simple, cost-effective but very impressive idea that will leave your boyfriend fall in love with you all over again.
4. A getaway
Life can be quite tiring sometimes, especially if you’re both in a stressful work or school environment. The assignments, chores and sometimes even the people around could just be too much to handle. Let this birthday be a day he doesn’t have to concern himself with any of those.
Take him far away from all the troubles, no communication with anyone for the day, just the two of you. Go to a lake or a park or any place that you find peaceful away from the normal society that you live in every day. It would be a nice change of pace and something he will enjoy and be very grateful for.
5. Breakfast in the bed
Waking up in the morning has to be one of the most tedious and annoying things to do. Why not avoid that from happening on his birthday and greet him with his breakfast right on his bed! He would for one, be extremely surprised right after he wakes up. He would also be very glad that he doesn’t have to leave the comfort of his bed so early.
This might not be the flashiest or look like a most impactful way of doing something on a birthday but it does make a world of difference as someone’s mood in the morning usually sets the tone for the rest of the day and you’re giving him the best start possible on his special day.
6. A Private Row Boat Ride
There are few things as romantic as watching a sunset with the person you love right beside you. Do this in a truly breath-taking way by hiring a private boat and going for a ride along with the sunset.
This will be some of the most visually and emotionally pleasing moments of your lives and he will without a doubt thank you for such a wonderful treat on his birthday. Whether you fail or succeed at actual fishing it would still give you something to talk about later. Definitely one of the more creative birthday ideas for boyfriend.
7. A Customized Party
Birthday parties are of course a very common trend but they usually also tend to lack some personal touch and instead focus mostly on mainstream fun and entertainment. Try to make this different by customizing the entire party towards your boyfriend. Get t-shirts and hats based on something related to him. Some of his favorite music and food items to go around would be a nice addition too.
This will make him feel a lot more special and everyone at the party will get to know something new about him. You can ask all of his close friends to chime in and add some flavor by contributing the things they know about him.
8. Hire a Limo
Limos are a special breed of luxury. They’ve always been and if you’ve never been in one, you’re seriously missing out. Give your boyfriend his first Limo experience by hiring one for the day as you go around the city drowned in the most royal and exquisite experiences.
You can bring along some of his best friends along so that you can all share the excitement together. The star of the show will still, of course, be the birthday man.
9. Dedicate a song on the radio
This is a very classic way of romanticizing an important occasion. Book a time slot for your dedication to air and make sure your boyfriend is listening to the radio at that time, perhaps while driving.
The huge smile on his face when he hears his name and the song is something you would love and cherish forever. It’s a great way to just bring some childish but very romantic atmosphere into the relationship, something that you will both appreciate in the long run.
10. Exploring Adventure
Is your boyfriend someone who craves a thrill? Then he would definitely love this. Take him to a new nearby village or a forest resort that lets you go deeper into the jungle for exploration. It’s going to be a joy with the two of you going about together and trying to figure out the next best direction.
This is a very cheap but incredibly fun and exciting way to spend your time, in fact as much of it as you want just wandering about. It takes you away from the hectic and fast-paced lifestyle of modern society and helps you remember that there is a lot more to life.
11. A t-shirt that will remind him of you
Some say no gift can ever be perfect but just like everything else perfect is subjective. If you want to get your boyfriend a gift that he would love to use every day, then just get him something that has your own flavor to it.
Get him a t-shirt that you know he will like but one that will also remind him of you every time he uses it or looks at it. Things like these keep the relationship strong and he would definitely keep it for a very long time.
12. A private movie night
What to do for boyfriend’s birthday? You certainly don’t always have to do something special and attractive for your birthday to make it special. If your boyfriend is someone who is more laid-back and introverted, spending a night with him on the couch or bed just watching movies together can be the best time he could ever ask for.
It’s not necessarily about the movies themselves but the comfort of having you by his side and being able to completely relax and not worry about anything that makes this a special experience.
13. Create a Visual Memory Lane
Surely, from the time you’ve met, you must’ve had some interesting memories with your boyfriend and some of them at least should’ve been photographed. Collect them all and make a special art frame that visually represents some of your favorite memories going all the way back to the beginning of your story.
It’s something anyone would love to see and get it from you on his birthday will only make it extra special. One of the most affordable yet fun birthday ideas for boyfriend.
14. Tickets to His Favourite Event
Is your boyfriend a fan of circuses? Magic shows? E-sport tournaments? Just find the event he loves on his birthday and books some tickets in advance. Take him there as a surprise on his birthday.
Even if it’s not something you personally appreciate, learning more about his passion and interests can never be a bad idea.
15. Gift a Good Watch
Watches are some of, if not the most gifted objects when it comes to birthdays and for a very good reason. It’s a symbol and representation of time, the most valuable commodity for anyone.
Give one to your boyfriend if he doesn’t already have a special watch and make sure it’s more personalized than classic or expensive because it is something that is going to be with him for a long time and the emotional value it carries is a lot more important than the technical one.
16. Invite a Distant Friend
Sometimes life just takes over everything and we tend to drift farther away from people who were once the closest to us. Distance, however, does not affect the bond between people in any way, so if your boyfriend has a close friend who he hasn’t met in a long time, bringing that friend in as a surprise would be one of the best ways to make this birthday truly special.
Not only will your boyfriend be happy because he gets to meet his friend after such a long time and in such a surprising manner too but seeing him happy and the bond, he shares with his friends is also something that would be a treat for you. Hands down the best birthday surprise for boyfriend.
17. Beer Party
Boys love beer. There’s just no getting around that fact. So, embrace it and throw a party with lots of beer to go around. It will make your boyfriend extremely happy and it will show him that you care about and respect his interests.
It’s also incredibly fun as people tend to be a lot more open when they get to drink as much as they want. All the games and activities become twice as fun.
18. A Surprise Party
What makes a party truly good is how much of an impact it has on the person in the spotlight. And one of the best ways to get the best emotions out of them is through a good surprise. So, why not make the whole party a surprise!
Make sure he has no idea that a party is being planned and he’s out of the house for the day so that you can make the necessary preparations. By the time he comes home, make all the guests ready to greet him at the door and watch him gasp in shock and excitement.
19. Bar Hopping
What do you do for fun as an adult? If getting drunk with friends isn’t one of your answers then you’re seriously missing out on a lot! If everyone in your group is okay with some drinks, then go around the city from bar to bar, tasting as many drinks as you can with each one.
Sure, at the end he might be too drunk to realize what he’s doing but the whole way is incredibly fun and an experience that will get him out of the grips of responsibilities he faces every day. One of the most unique birthday ideas for boyfriend.
20. Gift Hunt

Does your boyfriend like a good challenge in his life? Then take advantage of this trait and don’t put his gift right in his hands. Try to build a fun way for him to slowly work his way towards it. A list of clues based on your journey together so far would be a great way of unlocking it.
This is a lot more exciting and innovative way of spending his birthday and he would be really impressed by your creativity of designing the clues and a good challenge.
21. Give him a heartfelt message
There could be a lot of things you might want to tell your boyfriend but feel like it might not quite be the time to do so. Well, this is as good a time as you will ever get. Take his birthday as an opportunity to tell him things you’ve always wanted to. Compile them into a video, a greeting or even a letter.
Choose a mode of delivery that will best fit your message and show it to him on the D-day. It’s going to bring out a lot of emotions and will more than likely cause him to open up to you just as much. It’s an incredible way to make your relationship just so much stronger.
22. Backyard party
Not everyone likes a particularly flashy and extravagant party. If your boyfriend is a minimalist or doesn’t like to be the center of attraction but would still enjoy spending time with his friends then a backyard party with some barbecue dinner would be a great option.
Make some basic decorations but mostly focus on arranging lots of food, drinks, and a high-quality music system. This would be the perfect setting for everyone to get together and have a chill time, enjoying some good food while catching up with each other’s life.
23. A Candle Light Dinner
I’m sure this would sound a bit cheesy to some people but the truly magical feel of a candlelight dinner is not something you can ever replicate in words. Book a table in a restaurant that offers this service or better yet, makes your own at home
A quiet, private table with some quality food and just the two of you to talk and reminisce over it. If you want to give him a night, he can never forget then this is as good as it gets. If you’ve never done this before, definitely put this on your list of things to do for his birthday.
24. Get a Travel Map
Start something new on his birthday by getting a travel map for both of you that will keep track of all the places you visited together. This is a really nice and fun idea that will encourage you to visit more new and different places.
This map will also act as a nice frame piece in the future in your own home when your travels have become a bit more extensive. It’s personal, records a beautiful journey between you two and you will love it just as much as he does.
25. Gift Basket
Gift baskets have got to be the most elegant gifts to ever exist while being extremely customizable at the same time. If you’re looking for cute things to get your boyfriend for his birthday then this is a fantastic option.
Not only are you getting him something that you can customize with any kind of food and flowers that you know he loves but also make it look incredibly attractive. Worthy enough to be a showcase in itself.
26. Try out an exciting activity
When was the last time you were excited to do something? Not easy to remember is it? It seems like as we grow up, we tend to do things less for the good feelings they give and more for the materialistic benefits. While this might be fine for living a good life it’s not fulfilling at all and certainly not fun.
So, for a change choose an activity and just take it up for nothing other than the pure thrill and excitement of it. Something like a cooking lesson, a onetime dance lesson. Anything that would bring out the children in you and make you happy to just be doing it alongside each other without expecting anything more.
27. Make Him a Care Package
Men tend to be a little worse in taking care of them comparatively. If you feel like your boyfriend follows this trend then make a nice care package for him comprising of all the essentials, you’d want him to have.
A sweater, gloves, sunscreen, some painkillers and any other handy object that you can think of. Just pack them all together into a gift box. The best thing about this is that it could work even if you’re in a long-distance relationship and would convey every last bit of love, care and concern you have for him. It makes for the perfect birthday gifts.
28. Make a Yearbook for him
Yearbooks are a phenomenal way of recording and rewinding some of the best moments in the past year. Ask his friends and family about the best incidents he had experienced and represent them either in the form of pictures or writing,
It would be a fun thing to collect and preserve even for the future just to experience that nostalgic effect a few years down the line. He will appreciate the idea and you taking the initiative.
29. Star Gazing

As humans, we’ve always been the curious type. We usually look towards things that we don’t really understand and try to comprehend them to the best of our ability. But when we look up towards the night sky, the sheer number of stars and the vast space is overwhelmingly strange but also very beautiful in an enigmatic sense.
This is what makes the star gazing so engaging and romantic. It’s peaceful, it gives hope that there is a lot more out there waiting for them and more than anything it brings a sense of calmness and closeness to each other.
30. A Couple’s Portrait
If you’ve known your boyfriend for a decent amount of time you know for a fact that you love each other even without having to express it. But expressing it and giving it material life is still something that could have a lot of meaning.
How to surprise your boyfriend on his birthday while also doing something very meaningful? Get a couple’s portrait featuring the two of you and wrap it up as a gift for him. It’s something that embodies your relationship and something that will always remind him that you will be by his side and he’s never really alone.
31. Star Wars Themed Party
When was the last time you saw a guy who says he doesn’t like Star Wars? Even if he did, he’s probably lying. Star Wars has been a huge fad among the current generation especially guys and if your boyfriend is one of them then designing his birthday party in a Star Wars theme would be a surprise, he would not only love but also enjoy probably more than anything else you could think of.
Get a cake modeled after one of the Star Wars ships, a few costumes here and there, some light saber themed lighting and you’re good to go. The bonus here is that it’s not just him who would love it, most of his friends would also have a great time with this making the whole party feel a lot livelier.
32. A day at the beach
Beaches are a blessing whenever you’re confused and wondering what to do for my boyfriend’s birthday. Just make a planned trip to your nearest beach and have fun in the sun. All the games and activities would be a lot more fun not to mention you have so much more to do with all the sand, water, and waves.
Overall, it’s one of the best experiences you could give your boyfriend on his birthday. It’s simple, but it works and it works quite well at that. The warmness is a nice change to the routine and without even spending much you get to have a bigger sized pool all for yourself.
33. A balloon Gift
Balloons are adorable little things that are more often than not associated as playthings for children. But if used the right way, they could act as the perfect romantic buffer for you to convey your wishes and kisses.
Fill a room with balloons that stick to the ceiling and attack their strings with greeting cards from all his friends and of course yourself with each balloon having the name of the person whose greeting it holds. It’s a really unique and wildly grandiose way of showcasing just how much you all value him.
34. The Special Day’s Countdown
You can start the party early, as early as a day ahead and invite guests to the venue and set up a countdown clock in the center that shows the time left before it’s officially his birthday. It adds a new layer of excitement and the closer the clock gets to 0 the more the excitement grows.
In the meantime, you can do anything from making preparations for the big day to having activities of your own for that day alone. It would be a lot of fun involving everyone in the process of creating the perfect party experience and with everyone regularly chiming in with new ideas you’re only going to end up with a much better party than you have planned for.
35. Write him a Book
Now, this might seem like it’s a bit over the top but it’s really not that complicated. Just treat it like a diary. Write down all the memorable experiences you’ve had with him in the last year, and how you felt during those moments.
Bind the papers, wrap it as a gift and surprise him with one of the best things he’s ever going to read. You can do this every year and will always be new and exciting because it’s always about you and him and it’s always different.
36. Video Game Night
Yet another thing that guys simply can’t hide their love for. If your boyfriend is someone who enjoys video games then host a LAN party for him with all his friends where you can all play video games the whole night without interruption.
Even if you’re not someone who is familiar with video games it doesn’t matter much as they are going to be incredibly fun with so many people around you doing and enjoying the same thing. There’s going to be a lot of laughs and friendly banter making this one of the most compelling things to do for your boyfriends’ birthday.
37. Revisit a Childhood Memory
We all have a soft spot for when we were young and started something for the first time. It’s nostalgic, it’s funny and more than anything it takes you down an emotional trip looking at how far you’ve traveled and managed to come.
You can even take him to the place you first met, just reminiscing about your first conversation and how amazing things have turned out. Without a doubt one of the most emotionally charged birthday experiences to have.
38. Frame your kisses
Kisses have always been a physical representation of love but unfortunately, you might not always be able to give him some when he needs them the most. So, put on your best lipstick, cover a sheet with your kisses, frame it up and present it as a gift to him.
While it might not feel quite as good as the experience itself, he will still feel better knowing that there’s a person out there who loves him a lot no matter what. And it’s a great thing to be reminded of especially later on in life when stress starts getting to us.
39. Go to a Concert
If your boyfriend is any kind of a music fan there’s no way, he wouldn’t love this. Get some tickets and take him to a concert that he would enjoy. Spend your day with him there and just take in the beauty of music as you both enjoy yet another start for a beautiful year in his life.
It’s also a very nice way of forming and storing some new memories, meeting new people together and overall getting a glimpse of what life is going to be in the future with the both of you together. This should definitely be on your list of places to take your boyfriend for his birthday.
40. Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger-hunt is, of course, a classic for almost any kind of a party thanks to its incredible versatility. It can be adapted to any occasion and made to be an extremely fun recreational activity that is not too tiring but also not too passive that people get bored of it.
Try to find out what kind of a hunt would work out the best with him and his friends in mind and design the perfectly competitive hunting experience for everyone.
41. Bring him letters of love
Writing letters might be moot to most of the modern world but for people in love, it’s actually a much nicer thing to receive when compared to anything the modern communication option. The thing that makes letters so appealing is not their effectiveness or their speed but rather the personal touch that comes with them.
Try and get all his friends to write a letter to him regarding how they feel about him or how much they value him or even how their opinion on him has changed over the years. All the effort is certainly be going to worth it for the amount of happiness he would feel while reading them.
42. Go Fishing
While it might not seem like the most exciting activity for a birthday, that is not the intention of this. It’s more about getting to spend some valuable time together while also doing something fun.
Fishing experiences are always tied to how well the people involved get along and this would be no different. If you’re close with your boyfriend, you’re both going to have a great time since you can use all the downtime to talk and catch up on any missing parts of your lives.
43. Ancestry Test Kit
This is not your typical birthday gift but it is nonetheless exciting. Ancestry kits are small boxes that you collect and send your body sample with to a team who would on further testing and researching of your DNA can tell the roots of your heritage really far back into the history.
This is not a particularly useful or even an emotionally significant gift but it is quite interesting and definitely one of the most exciting birthday surprise ideas for him. This will leave both you and your boyfriend curious and excited about what kind of results to expect. Since there is no wrong answer here, anything that comes up will only be fun to know.
44. A Lunch in The Open
Being indoors all the time is not very uncommon for the current generation and while it’s not really harmful, you’re just missing out on the beauty of nature itself. So, get your boyfriend to make time on his birthday, pack some lunch and have it under a nice tree.
It’s not as fancy as a top restaurant but it definitely feels good and it’s something you both might even want to do more often. No phones or TVs or music, just listen to nature go about its work and talk amongst yourself, you will certainly have a great time.
45. Go for a Long Drive
Long drives simply feel amazing if it’s with someone you love and care about. It’s not boring enough to make you want to do something else but it also doesn’t require much of your attention so that you can focus on your own conversation.
It’s the perfect setup for catching up on recent developments in your lives and he’s going to certainly appreciate the time he gets to spend alone with you.
46. Take a Flying Tour
Not satisfied with bus tours or boat rides? No problem. Just book your nearest plane tour across the city and look at it the way you’ve never seen it before. You can also do this with a completely new city depending on how much time and money you’re willing to spend. It’s going to be some of the best few minutes of your life coupled with some amazing views all across the landscape.
It’s not too expensive and for the kind of experience you’re getting, you wouldn’t regret one bit spending the money on it. It’s an experience that will return the both of you in a completely ecstatic state. You will not only save some amazing scenic beauty in your photographs but also save the feelings you had while up there in your mind for a very long time.
47. Plan Multiple Activities
One of the most common complaints about parties is that while they are fun, to begin with, they get stale pretty fast. So, to avoid this and make your boyfriend’s day special as a whole and not just a part of it, plan multiple activities and surprises throughout the day.
Keep him moving and guessing about what the next activity or surprise is going to be which would only make the whole experience so much more exciting for him not to mention being able to enjoy every moment of it. And of course, this goes without saying but save the best for last and give him the best goodbye one could ever wish for.
48. Drone Surprise
Drones have become very popular in the 21st century and are very quickly taking over a lot of different types of business uses. And it makes sense considering their versatility, efficiency, and elegance with which they get their job done. If you wish to bring those same things into your boyfriends’ birthday then he’s going to be thoroughly impressed.
You can hire professionals who would display a strikingly awesome message with their drones or if you’re feeling confident could go for it on your own with a little bit of training beforehand. Either way, it’s a nice surprise.
49. Scratch off Posters

Scratch off posters are amazing for a variety of reasons but mostly 2. One, because they let you keep track of things you finished and two because they give you a realistic goal that can actually motivate someone to do it rather than if it was just in their mind.
Get your boyfriend a scratch-off poster of anything that he’s interested in but in a frame so that he can hang it within his room and work on it as a new hobby. It’s great for his health, both physical and mental and you also just gave him one more thing to live for.
50. Go Kart Racing
One of the most fun activities especially with friends. It’s competitive in a hilarious way and while everyone would want to win, no one would get terribly upset and not doing well simply because of the nature of Go Karts.
They are incredibly fun and give you the experience of a small-scale formula one racing. This is not something anyone is likely to find boring and you could easily spend all your day around it and make it a sort of tournament if you are interested enough.
51. Set up a party themed around his birth year
Our society and customs seem to shift quite a lot every decade or so. The music, fashion, movies everything would seem out of place if you just went a dozen or so years back. So, here’s what to do for your boyfriends birthday. Use those things to your advantage and set up the party using the fashion and themes that are prevalent during his birth year.
It does not hold any specific meaning other than to let everyone have a glimpse of what it’s like back then since everyone was just kids and might not remember anything vividly enough from then. A very interesting theme that most people are certain to enjoy and if your boyfriend is an old school person then this is obviously the choice.
52. A Charity Event
If your boyfriend happens to be someone who loves social service and actively seeking to help out the less fortunate then this would be a fabulous way of showing your support to his cause and also your own kindness in the process.
The event doesn’t have to be big; any amount of contribution can certainly help someone out there and the whole point of this would be to use the occasion to spread more awareness rather than collect resources. This is one of the most empathetic things to do for your boyfriends birthday and all this compassion is only going to bring you both closer.
53. A Massage
Who wouldn’t like a good massage? But this time it’s not from a professional at a spa, take this opportunity to give your boyfriend a message of your own. While it might not be as good as a professional, he’s still going to enjoy it a lot more, not to mention the intimacy and time you spend together during this make a huge difference.
It’s certainly not for everyone but if you’re comfortable and confident enough with it then it would be a great birthday surprise for him.
54. Fireworks Party
Fireworks are fun. They’re loud, they’re flashy, incredibly attractive and sometimes that’s all you need to get a party going. Get some cool fireworks and make your own show from your backyard for everyone around to watch. It is something you should definitely include in your birthday plans for him.
If you want to make it even more interesting you could create a checklist of sorts consisting of things you plan to achieve together with everyone else in the party and once something is checked off, set off a firework and take a drink in celebration. It’s exciting, fun and sets just the right tempo for a real birthday party.
55. A jacket that fits you both
The one difference that always tends to exist between family and friends is that with family there is really nothing that belongs exclusively to you. You are free to use anything that one of the other members has and they will use yours. It takes a lot of trust and bonding to get to that phase and eventually you’re going to be there with your boyfriend.
So, to get just a slight glimpse of that, buy a jacket that fits both of you and gifts it to him. Let it be a jacket that either of you can borrow and use whenever you need and this adds a special value to it because it represents the potential for you being family and that would simply feel like the best thing in the world.
56. Escape Room
If you think a set of good challenges is the best way to entertain your boyfriend and his friends then it doesn’t get better than this. An escape room is a challenge where a group of participants is locked in a room or a maze and they have to correctly solve some tricky puzzles to get out.
Now, you can do this with all at once or divide them into teams making this into more of a competition. Either way, everyone is going to love this as an activity, especially your boyfriend if you get to do it together. It’s fun, engaging and keeps everyone hooked. If you ever feel like you’re out of things to do for boyfriends birthday, this is your way out!
57. Costume Party
Is your boyfriend a big fan of superheroes? Don’t worry, pleasing him is not going to be as hard. Buy some costume pieces, they don’t have to be full costumes just part of them like a hood, a cape or a ring and let each guest choose one for themselves.
It would be a very colorful party to be in and he will definitely enjoy all the superhero themes right from his childhood memories popping out here and there. If there was ever a list of cute things to do for your boyfriend’s birthday, this would certainly be on the top.
58. A Prom Theme
Everyone remembers their prom night since it’s so special. Whether you went to prom with your current boyfriend or someone else, setting up a birthday party in prom-style would really be something to get excited about.
If you went to prom together, this will be a great throwback, reminisce in the young budding love you had back then. If you didn’t, well, here’s your chance to see what it would’ve felt like to do it with the right person.
59. Gift a TV subscription
TV subscriptions are truly a blessing. Getting to watch so many amazing shows that provide thousands of hours of entertainment and give you a list of shows from your childhood that you can watch again, it’s almost essential for everyone.
Check with your boyfriend to see what subscriptions he already has and choose one from those he doesn’t and give it to him. This opens up a lot more entertainment options to him and he will be thanking you a lot for it over the course of the next few months.
60. Board Games with Best Friends
The best get-together and parties are very different for different people. But one thing they all have in common is that it’s a bunch of close friends interacting and spending some quality time with each other in their own way.
If your boyfriend is someone who prefers a good conversation over highly intense games or activities, then just get some board games and sit around with all his friends to have a fun time together. Neither the games nor the conversations will ever bore you because they complement each other quite well.
61. Time at the pool
If you live in a place with warmer temperatures or it’s just mid-summer on his birthday then try to arrange the party around a pool. Spending in and around would just make things a lot better for everyone especially if there’s a lot of heat.
Add in tasty and easily accessible food and some good music, you will have the chilliest, hottest, high spirited but still a very relaxing party right in the comfort of your home. You can of course still set this up to have even more games and activities that take advantage of the pool.
62. A Dance for the records
Dancing by many is regarded as a form of art. But throughout history, in many instances, it has also be showcased as a display of love and affection. Two people moving together, with their steps, breath and even their thoughts in sync with each other. It’s truly poetic without even a description.
Set up a proper stage and have people dance as they choose, whenever they choose and to whatever tune they like but the major attraction would, of course, be your dance with your boyfriend. It will be an experience for both of you and one that would make this his best birthday to date.
63. Drinking Game
Provided everyone present in the party is of legal drinking age and is okay with it personally this would be one of the best ways to spend time on a birthday. Drinking games are notoriously famous for bringing out the rawest personalities out of people. This could be fun, embarrassing and a lot of other crazy things but never boring.
There are too many drinking games to name but you can choose any of those that are to your liking and just get on it later into the night. Sure, you’ll be having too much fun to sleep but at least it will be a gold mine of sweet memories for the future. It’s definitely one of the most fun and engaging birthday activities for boyfriend.
64. Wall Collage

This is yet another very creative idea not so much in terms of concept but certainly when it comes to its implementation. Make a huge portrait on the wall with enough space so that everyone can leave their own unique mark relating to your boyfriend with their signature below it.
It could be something they write, a picture or just a sign. Piecing them all together and later making it into a framed collage would be one of the best birthday surprise ideas for boyfriend. It holds countless memories, relationships and that could perhaps make it the most valuable gift of all.
65. 12 gifts for 12 months
If you want to do something absolutely unique and one that would simply make him go WOW, then this is an easy choice. Simply choose 12 meaningful gifts for him, one for each month. This is especially useful if you’re in a long-distance relationship and meeting for a limited period of time but it feels amazing regardless.
To make this even more impressive divide your gifts into 12 different categories like health, fitness, entertainment, etc making them not only unique but also very much functional.
You’ve probably asked yourself a million times “what to do for my boyfriend’s birthday?” and you’d certainly not be the only one to have done that at some point. The above list consists of some of the best birthday ideas for boyfriend that add a lot of meaning and extra flair to the occasion. The way you want to celebrate his birthday, of course, depends on what he, you and all your friends enjoy the most but you should be able to find a theme from the list quite easily that fits all your interests.