Last updated on June 3rd, 2022 at 10:28 pm
It is a milestone to reach the age of 50. Those who have hit this age, their birthday is going to be very special. You can choose from these funny 50th birthday quotes for men and make them smile on their special day. It is a great time to be celebrated with friends and family.
Find hilarious and funny lines from here and make them laugh on their 50th birthday. This might also be the time for a few to realize that their parents were right about most of the things. This is a new phase of life for many men who have hit 50 and probably the time they could take the bucket list seriously.

Funny 50th birthday messages for men
- Like many other superstars, you too have hit 50. Happy birthday on your golden jubilee. Your experience and wisdom has benefited many. Many the next 50 years let you fulfill all of your travel dreams. Happy birthday.
- You have graduated halfway to make it a 100. I am sure you are loving this marathon. You are 50 years young as you hit the first half of the century. Happy birthday and good luck.
- This is the time of life where you can still let your hair down even if you are going bald and relish on the golden phase of your life. Those collections of cigars are waiting for you. Enjoy them in your own moments. Happy birthday.
- You are 50. This birthday is as memorable as the birthday when you had turned 18. This is a rewarding time for you that you have put in during your growing years. This is the time to sit back and enjoy the days of retirement. Happy birthday.
- Happy birthday to the golden ager. You have aged so wonderfully. With so much patience and endurance, you guide the younger lot without losing it. Thank god you are not cranky even at 50. It is quite laudable.
- Fifty is the time you hit the young age of getting old. This is a new phase where you are more meaning to do things you always wanted to do. I wish on this birthday and many more years to come you fulfill all of your goals and dreams in your checklist.
- There is still time for you to get all the perks of being a senior citizen because you are 50 years young. There is no secret potion to do away with those wrinkles and grey hair. These are the things that add charm to your personality. Happy birthday.
- You are still so stylish and have a panache even at the age of 50. Such a charmer you are and so classy in your style. Happy birthday.
- You have aged so gracefully and you do not mind flaunting those grey shades of hair. You look so pleasant in your tweet suits and lofty talks. It is a charm to listen to all your words of wisdom, anecdotes, and witty things that you have to say. Happy birthday.
Hilarious Birthday Quotes For Men

- Happy 50th birthday. You have become more understanding and patient compared to the rebellious jerk that you were in your younger days. It is so pleasant to see you growing into a matured and a sensible man.
- Have fun blowing all the 50 candles on your birthday. This is the time that must make you proud for having hit half a century with all the good and bad experiences in life that have made you wiser. Happy birthday and cheers for all the coming years.
- This is the time you might chuckle at all the stupid mistakes you made as a younger lad. Happy birthday in your 50th. You have many stories to tell and words of wisdom to share.
- You have already passed through the mid-life crisis so beautifully. It is admirable how wonderfully you have lived through all these years. You have so much to share and be at peace. Happy birthday. This is the start of a beautiful journey where you can step back and relax.
- If you have forgotten about mortgages and all the important things, you have an excuse. You are 50 and people are going to be more understanding of your shortcomings. Happy 50th birthday and may you hit 100 as well.
- The age of 50 is a new childhood where you cannot wear speedos on the beach. But still, enjoy the summer days at your own pace. Happy birthday for aging so gracefully.
- Your true life might begin at 50. After spending the first half of your life doing what you are supposed to be doing. This is the time to spend on things that you love doing. Happy birthday and god bless you with good health lifelong.
- Despite your addiction problems you have made it to fifty and may you live till a 100. Happy birthday and cheers for your strength, craziness with which you live your life and still stay on the top.
Funny Birthday Wishes For Men

- There is a silver lining on your head on the dark clouds of your hair. This is the salt and pepper style that makes you look charming turning 50. Happy birthday. Stay stylish and healthy.
- This is the time of your life to give up on all the things you love to eat and drink and stick to a healthy diet. Happy 50th birthday. May all the years to come bring you a sense of joy and fulfillment.
- You might as well have a blast doing silly and stupid things on your 50th birthday. Being wise can get so boring sometimes. Nobody is going to ticket you for having mindless fun. Happy birthday. Many more fun times come to you.
- At 50 you develop multiple skills that you do at the same time. You could laugh, sneeze, and cough at the same time and you won’t know. Happy birthday for reaching the halfway up to the heaven.
- You might not worry anymore if your socks match or if you have a bad memory and everybody is going to be polite with you even if you have been a jerk all these years. Enjoy your days of reaching a golden age. Happy birthday.
- At the age of 50, there are strands of silver glitter coming out of your head, it is not the grey hair. You can keep dying them in black and brown, but the silver lining does show up easy and early. Happy birthday reaching 50.
- At the age of 50, there is so much dye you have to use for your hair, beard, and eyebrows. You have more work to do than you ever did in your days of yonder. Happy 50th birthday. Time to feel younger amongst the oldies.
- You have short waiting time at the doctors because you have reached 50. There are so many perks you enjoy at this age. Happy birthday on your 50th. Enjoy the time of your life and may you see many more years of good health and happiness.
- This is the age where you have to comb your hair, your beard, your back, as it gets so hairy. There is more exercise to do grooming yourself to ensure you don’t look like a werewolf. Happy birthday. May you look charming and stay healthy in your coming years.
Funny 50th Birthday Quotes For Men

- There is no horror to turning 50. A few stay at home most of the time. It is time for you to fly and start something new with all your experience. Happy birthday. May all of your desires be fulfilled and you life a content life.
- You have grown old like a fine wine. Enjoy your golden years without hitting the breaks on the things that you have been meaning to do lifelong. Happy birthday.
- A time of life where you can stay immature and do childish things, annoy people with your antics and absent mindedness. Happy birthday on your 50th. This age has its own perks and you can get away annoying people with your crankiness.
- When your sense of hearing and seeing start to fade, you good thinking, common sense, and wisdom from experience stays. Happy birthday. May you see many more years of content and stay healthy.
- Obviously, you cannot go scuba diving at this age but you dive into healing and all that jazz making you feel one with the universe. Happy birthday to the wellness junkie. You have shown the path to the rebellious young and not let them get astray.
- If you ask an 80-year-old, they will tell you plenty of amazing things about being 50. So, chin up and enjoy your golden phase. You are still young to see and experience things you always meant to do. Happy birthday.
- Time flies, so does your age. You have hit 50. This is a hallmark of the beautiful life that you have lived. Have a fabulous life with wrinkles smiling on your face and letting you age magnificently.
- Fifty is the time of your life when you take a nap till noon, and have nothing to remember too soon. Happy birthday and have a fabulous life ahead.
- The age of 50 is like a prehistoric era of your life that you will live through growing like a tree. Happy birthday on your 50th. You have so much to look forward to and experience. May your life be filled with many more wonderful experiences.
Funny 50th Birthday Sayings

- You can keep smiling even if you don’t have a lot of teeth left. You have aged beautifully with so much wisdom and life lessons to share. Happy birthday for turning a grandpa and a wonderful person who has his wits together.
- At this age, your head might be together, your body might be falling apart, you pull an all nighter taking naps, and you might as well pee while you sneeze. But at this age, you think of all the good times you have with your friends and family. Happy birthday on your 50th. May you have many years of good health and a wonderful life ahead.
- You might find it difficult to keep up with the internet stuff and wished life were more simpler. Happy 50th birthday. May you add more digits to your age and have a good laugh looking at memes about your age. More fun and laughter to you.
- This is an age where you end up wondering a lot. You might wonder where you left your car keys, you might as well wonder where are your glasses and many other things. Enjoy your sassy days of wonder and remember that the best part is you will be loved the most. Happy birthday and may your health stay stable and you enjoy your life more as you get old.
- You ponder and ruminate about many thoughts and emotions at this age. You might as well feel alone and lonely. There is so much more you can still experience in life till you reach the age of 80. Happy birthday and may there be many happy and fond memories in the years to come.
- You can eat more cake now and not worry a dime about anything. Living a carefree life at 50 is a privilege that you are going to enjoy. Happy birthday and may you fulfill all the desires on your bucket list.
- You might attend the jazz and classical music festivals and drink quietly in the corner. These are the days to cherish all the things at a pace. Have a wonderful 50th birthday where nobody can rush you to do things anymore.
- At the age of 50, you become more accommodating and well adjusted to life. It is soothing to have you around with your wisdom and patience. Happy birthday. Your birthday we do not forget and wish you all the happiness and good health in the world.
- Your age might be more about politics than about sports. More about healing than adventure. You have turned over the mid-life crisis and the gravity pulls you towards things that are sane and meaningful. Happy 50th birthday.
The 50th birthday in a man’s life is as memorable as his 18th birthday. Pick from these messages and quotes to add some humor and laughter on his birthday. He may be your father, uncle, neighbor, boss, or anyone you know. These are funny 50th birthday quotes for men that you can send on their special day.